It's been a week since the end of my mini-trip and it's time to sum it up. Conclusion 👉1. Never plan everything thoroughly. Life always makes it in its own way. So after downloading a bunch of audio guides and offline maps to the phone, I was horrified to find that on the first day my phone was completely out of work. Nice beggining☠. Conclusion 👉2. Be open to the unknown. Today you walk around the city alone, and tomorrow you suddenly dance salsa in a local club for the first time. My imagination was shocked. Literally😮. Conclusion 👉 3.Do not hurry. Sometimes it's worth to wait till the morning to let the circumstances fix everything without you. Just breathe💆. Conclusion 👉4. Be grateful in soul and in words. People who "made" your journey special, and the Lord who keeps you safe 24/7 SHOULD know this. And this is my Thank You to my Riga-mates👐: for sharing your company, time and even food, and especially for humour and talks. It was so comfortable and warm💎. And to my Tallinn-friend who rushed into one of my days and magically arranged everything in a perfect way! It definitely couldn't be better. Conclusion 👉5. Every knowledge counts: from the movie you saw till the news you've heard. Everything. This is it. There is much more of course. But there is no need to write about it. Just keep / start exploring the world, and yourself. It's breathtaking. I promise;)👠

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